We're looking for footballers! Are you in the Armed Forces Community? Do you love to play football? Join our team on Monday evenings... Give us a call and speak to Gregg for more info...
Glass Engraving

The Bridge for Heroes now offers a session of Glass Engraving once a month at Nelson House Activity Centre.  Under the watchful eye of  Phil Tuddenham, an experience glass engraver, you can learn

East of England Armed Forces Event

Helen Taylor, CEO of the Bridge for Heroes attended the Change of Mission, East of England Armed Forces event held in Norwich on 25th July.  This was an excellent opportunity to network and to learn ablout the excellent work being done for veterans throughout the East of England

Work Experience

Thank you to Aiden, Ryan & Logan from Smithdon High School in Hunstanton who joined us for a week of work experience. They were extremely helpful in both of our facilities and can be seen here sorting out donated bike components in the bike workshop

Donation to The Bridge for Heroes

Siobhan Strachan gave up chocolate for Lent and as a result raised £125, which she chose to donate to The Bridge for Heroes and we are extremely grateful. Siobhan is pictured handing over her donation to Helen Taylor, CEO of The Bridge for Heroes at our activity centre in Nelson House.



The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp