We're looking for footballers! Are you in the Armed Forces Community? Do you love to play football? Join our team on Monday evenings... Give us a call and speak to Gregg for more info...

Help & Support


All our services are free for veterans and their immediate families.

We provide a confidential, non-judgemental service regardless of gender, sex, race or religion.

Bridge ‘Drop-in’ Centre

Come in and talk to one of our friendly staff at our Drop-in Centre

The Bridge Centre

52a South Clough Lane

King’s Lynn

PE30 1SE



Mondays to Fridays 10 - 4
Saturdays 10 - 2
(Closed on Monday Bank Holidays)



Loneliness & Social Isolation

Do you live alone?

Do you feel isolated or lonely?

Would you like to make new friends?

Do you feel anxious or depressed?

The Bridge for Heroes runs the Bridge ‘drop-in’ Centre in Kings Lynn, which is a great place where you can meet with like-minded people, make new friends and socialise. Our warm and friendly staff and volunteers would love to meet you. There is always a hot drink and something to eat on offer.

Our staff also offer home visits or a telephone befriending service.

If you are interested in being more active we have a wide range of different activities that you can get involved in. Just check out our activity page.

If you would like to arrange a home visit with one of our Welfare Team please call

01553 760 230

If you would like to speak with one of our Welfare Team please call

0300 1112030

If you are interested in attending an activity follow the link below or call

01553 760 230


Mental Health & Well-Being

At times in our lives, we may suffer from mental health or emotional problems

The Bridge for Heroes offers non-judgemental, person-centred support to those who need it.

We offer:

  • one-to-one and/or group talk sessions
  • safe spaces where you can connect with other people
  • activities which encourage you to be physically active - indoors and outdoors
  • opportunities to learn new skills within our activities or through volunteering
  • volunteering - helping others who have been through similar experiences

The support we offer is non-clinical, and we work with other local organisations and charities who we can refer you to, to get the right help for you. These include Mind, NHS Mental Health & Wellbeing and Op Courage.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and require immediate help please contact 111 or the Samaritans



Healthy Living

At the Bridge for Heroes, we want to help you to stay healthy. We provide help and support to enable you to stay active, eat healthily and seek the right medical advice.

We offer a weighing and blood pressure service and provide healthy meals and guidance on what you can cook at home.

We also have a varied range of activities that you can take part in, from walking to cycling, chair exercises to bowling through our weekly activities programme.

Why not join us today?




If you are worried about your finances we can help.

The earlier you seek help the easier it is to get the right support. Don't leave things to get worse. If you are having difficulties with your finances please get in touch with us or you can go directly to SSAFA

We work closely with SSAFA Norfolk, as well as Veterans UK MOD Welfare & DWP who hold clinics at the Bridge for Heroes monthly, providing support with pensions, PIP applications, benefits and other financial matters.



Independent Living

We can provide guidance and advice which can help you stay independent and safe in your own home. We can also signpost you to other specialist services who can help make small alterations and adaptions in your home.

We can arrange for a member of staff to visit you in your home and assess the adaptions you might need.



Housing & Homelessness

Are you currently homeless? 'Sofa surfing'? Or facing eviction?

Are you finding it hard to keep up with your morgage or rental payments?


Whatever your concern with housing or homelessness, our team at The Bridge is here to help. We work alongside some great organisations so can help you find a solution. If you are currently homeless, we can offer practical support by providing hot meals and a place to spend the day. We can provide access to the internet, phone charging, and can act as a hub for other agencies to connect and work with you. Reach out as soon as issues or problems arise. Come in for a chat or give us a call. Don't leave it until it's too late. There are always things we can do to help.



Dependency & Addiction

Do you have a drink problem?

Are you dependant on drugs?

We provide ongoing emotional support and can help you identify other services that can offer you direct professional and skilled support.



Family & Relationships

Veterans & Serving personnel

Are you struggling in a relationship?

Are you trying to hide how you are feeling from your loved one?

Family members and friends

Are you trying to help a veteran?

Do you feel that nothing you do is helping?

Are you beginning to struggle yourself but don't know who to turn to for help?

Our staff are here to listen. You can make an appointment to speak to someone face to face, drop in to our Bridge Centre or call our welfare number.



If you are in a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, and want support, please contact us or one of the following specialist organisations:



Employment & Training

Are you struggling to find employment?

Do you need training to get the job you want?

Are you having difficulties with your current employment?

Do you want a change of career?

We can support you in applying for jobs or training. We may be able to put you in touch with employers who are seeking veterans.

We can help you write your CV or support you with interview techniques. We can also provide or link you with volunteering opportunities.




The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp