We're looking for footballers! Are you in the Armed Forces Community? Do you love to play football? Join our team on Monday evenings... Give us a call and speak to Gregg for more info...



Make a 'one-off' donation

This can be done online via our 'JustGiving' page or at our 'Drop-In' centre. We can accept card/electronic payments with our Sumup card reader.

£10      Provides a hot, home-cooked meal in a social setting
£15      Provides a half-hour activity session
£25      Provides a 1-2-1 with a welfare officer
£30      Provides an outreach or home visit
£50      Contributes towards running our Bridge 'Drop-In' Centre

Making a regular donation

As a charity, we rely on grants and fundraising. Regular donations allow us to continue to deliver our services to our beneficiaries. This can be done via our 'JustGiving' page or, if you prefer, ask for our bank details and set-up a standing order.

Do you enjoy spending time with people? Are you a good listener? Can you help someone feel heard? If you can spare an hour, or perhaps an afternoon, our beneficiaries enjoy meeting new people and being able to share their stories. We work to ensure people feel included and valued. You can be a part of that too!

Resources and materials

We would also be very grateful for any donation of new or nearly new resources and materials to help with the day to day running of both centres.

We are always grateful for:

  • biscuits
  • coffee
  • decaf coffee
  • sugar
  • sweeteners
  • coffee mate
  • washing up liquid
  • toilet rolls
  • bleach
  • anti-bacterial cleaner
  • wool
  • wood
  • art resources
  • garden plants and flowers
  • bicycles



The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp