We're looking for footballers! Are you in the Armed Forces Community? Do you love to play football? Join our team on Monday evenings... Give us a call and speak to Gregg for more info...

Our Volunteers

Our Volunteers are crucial to all the work the Bridge for Heroes undertakes, providing outstanding support right across our services, including:

  • helping provide light lunches and refreshments at our 'drop-in' centre,
  • providing invaluable befriending support to help reduce loneliness and isolation
  • helping provide lifts for beneficiaries wanting to attend one of our centres
  • supporting fundraising events
  • leading one of our many activities
  • helping with admin in the office 

                                                              .......to name but a few.

We are immensely appreciative of the contributions made every day by our fantastic volunteering team and are constantly overwhelmed by the dedication and commitment that is shown.

It is important that our volunteers feel supported, rewarded and fulfilled in their volunteering role which enables them to continue their own personal development. Opportunities for training, learning new skills and using their knowledge and expertise are encouraged.

Activity Lead

We have a number of dedicated volunteers who lead a range of activities. One-off demonstrations to regular weekly or monthly sessions are offered by skilled and knowledgeable volunteers, many of who are veterans or family members themselves.


Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

The QAVS was set up in 2013 to recognise and celebrate exceptional local volunteer groups. The standard expected is very high, as the award is an honour equivalent to an MBE.

 The Bridge for Heroes were awarded the QAVS in June 2021




The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp