Our Bridge 'drop in' Centre is open daily for the Armed Forces Community - Veterans, service leavers, ex-serving personnel, widows, dependants, reservists and their families
Nelson House Open Day

There will be an Open Day at Nelson House on 17th November 2022 between 12 & 4pm to showcase the range of activities that The Bridge for Heroes offers to its beneficiaries and to view the range of products that are created by the various Groups, which are available to everybody for an appropriate donation


The long-awaited mural (delayed due to Covid), designed and painted by the 'Time Turners' a group of youngsters delivering creative projects as part of the 'Stories of Lynn', has been painted on the siding of The Bridge Centre located in Clough Lane, King's Lynn.

London Marathon

Mark’s Challenges reaches the 50-mark following the London Marathon.

Mark started his challenges in 2016 at the Edinburgh Marathon using crutches and completed his fiftieth on Sunday 2nd October by finishing the London Marathon in 5hrs 26-minutes in his wheel-chair. 

NCE Autumn Classic Sportive

Two Bridge for Heroes beneficiaries took part in the Norfolk Cycling Events Autumn Classic Sportive on 25th September.  They cycled 51.6-miles through the beautiful Norfolk Countryside, starting and finishing at Hethersett Village Hall.  If you would like to join Mark and Karl in future events, please contact a member of staff and join in. 

Veterans Breakfast

The next veterans breakfast is scheduled for Saturday the 29th October 2022.  Please can you give your names and food choices to a member of staff for numbers.



The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp

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