Our Bridge 'drop in' Centre is open daily for the Armed Forces Community - Veterans, service leavers, ex-serving personnel, widows, dependants, reservists and their families
As Time goes by…

As Time goes by…

Another week has gone by at Nelson House and oh how time goes by!

This week the Art team worked on some incredible water paintings with our tutor David Chapman. Here’s a painting finished by one of our regular Veterans- Bill.

Bill began by adding splodges of water paint to the paper, allowing time for it to dry and then gradually adding images over the top of the water paint to help to make sense of the shapes that he had either created or that had appeared by chance.

It’s amazing what a difference a little time can make. Out of the apparent chaos, Bill created a masterpiece, a work of Art… Something that he could be proud of. Something that we want for all our Veterans to feel and achieve.

Much like the painting, sometimes we need to take the time and care to shape our own lives… to see what we can make of it. Is life seemingly chaotic for you at the moment?... don’t worry it will soon take its own shape.

At the Bridge for Heroes, we’re here to help you discover what that shape might look like. Nelson House Activities Centre offers a range of activities including light lunches, drinks and the chance to socialise. Why not come and see?... Give it time, you too might be on the verge of a masterpiece.   



The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp

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