Our Bridge 'drop in' Centre is open daily for the Armed Forces Community - Veterans, service leavers, ex-serving personnel, widows, dependants, reservists and their families

Remembrance Sunday at The Bridge

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them." – Laurence Binyon.

Remembrance Sunday is a solemn occasion dedicated to honouring and remembering the members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty during the First World War and subsequent conflicts. It is a time for communities to come together and formally recognise and remember those who have gone before. The day, observed on the second Sunday in November, pays tribute to the sacrifices made by military personnel and serves as a collective expression of gratitude for their service.

Additionally, many observe the two-minute silence of Armistice Day at 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, marking the end of the First World War. It has become a tradition at The Bridge to observe the Armistice silence outside the Bridge Centre and Saturday was no exception. Members of the public, without invitation or formal organisation, also assembled by our Garden of Remembrance and joined our staff, volunteers and beneficiaries in this short commemoration.

Next was Remembrance Sunday. The Centre was open early for warm drinks so attendees could assemble in comfort. Although chilly, it remained dry, and Bill Fisher and Tim Wiskin ably represented The Bridge in the mayor’s ceremonial procession. Everyone else walked across to Tower Gardens ready for the ceremony, and watched as Bill carried and laid a wreath on our behalf.

This was my first Remembrance Sunday as a veteran and I was honoured to share it with all here at The Bridge. I was inspired to see veterans who, despite their struggles or limitations, committed to joining the public act of Remembrance. I also reflected on my own service and although I may feel that it pales into insignificance when compared to the sacrifice of generations gone before, I still feel proud to have served and to have contributed to a greater cause.

And after? Well, it was back to The Bridge Centre for a brew and a bacon butty. We do, after all, know how to do things properly!

Kerry Allison

Charity Coordinator



The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE


01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp

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